Services | History | Belief | Staff
We want to be your church home. No matter where you’re from, we hope you’ll find a home with us. We would love to help you find your place here.
When you arrive, for the 8:30 service you may enter through the sanctuary doors or through the Family Life Center (FLC). For the 10:30am service, please, enter through the Family Life Center. You should expect a warm welcome from our greeters and ushers. They are here for you, and will be happy to help you with directions for childcare, restrooms, or anything else you may need.
During each worship service, children pre-k to 3rd grade children may attend a special, kid-oriented Children’s Church time before returning to the worship area before the end of the worship service.
Church Calendar
We have two different styled worship services on Sunday mornings.
Located in our church’s sanctuary, our 8:30 A.M. service is considered our “traditional service” where we worship in classic “Methodist” fashion, with choir and traditional music.
Our 10:30 A.M. service is considered our “contemporary service” and features a more casual, modern worship style with our live praise band in the church’s Family Life Center (FLC).
Sunday School classes are available for all ages, and meet at 9:30 A.M.
Throughout the year, we offer special worship services for holy occasions such as Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and Christmas Eve.
Bryant First United Methodist Church has a long history going back over 175 years. Our history reflects the unity of four churches that merged over time: Wesley’s Chapel, Bryant Methodist Church, Hunter’s Chapel, and Bauxite Methodist Church.
Sometime in the 1850s, a group of pioneers came through this area on their way to Texas. Hurricane Creek was too high to cross, so they set up camp. A Methodist circuit rider was with them, and they worshiped around a campfire. Some of the families stayed in what later became Bryant. Those families founded Wesley’s Chapel. In 1875, Wesley’s Chapel split. Those who stayed changed the name to Bryant Methodist Church. Those who left named their church Hunter’s Chapel after Dr. Andrew Hunter, who lived in this area and donated the land for the chapel. Hunter’s Chapel later became Bauxite Methodist Church. In 1968, due to the declining mining industry, Bauxite Methodist Church closed and merged with Bryant Methodist Church to form First United Methodist Church of Bryant.
The community of Bryant has grown over the years and our current location is centrally located in the life of our town. Situated close to many of our public school campuses, city offices, and new businesses along N. Reynolds Road, we occupy a spot primed for outreach and community involvement. It is our hope to continue to be members of the community of Bryant and by our actions, love, and ministry in this community, we will continue to write our history and the story of God’s love in this place. You are invited to be a part of our future!
Our VISION is to make a home for all of God’s children.
Our MISSION is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We are the family of God, committed to
- Growing as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ,
- Caring for one another in an atmosphere of love and acceptance,
- Sharing God’s love, and
- Serving human needs in our local and world community.
We value
- Christ-centeredness, putting Christ at the center of all we do
- Friendliness and a desire to fully include all people in worship, service and discipleship
- “Grace-full” style of ministry: loving people as they are and inviting them to become all God wants them to be
- Spirituality—an openness to the Holy Spirit and an emphasis on prayer throughout congregational life
- Lay ministry empowerment
- Community presence—leadership in Bryant and the public school

William Cato
Senior Pastor
Trena Smith
Church Administrator
Amy Solomon
Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Johnson
Director of Family Ministries
Denise Edds
Traditional Worship Leader
David Stanfill
Contemporary Worship Leader
Scott Copeland
Organist and Accompanist
Teresa Eby
Accompanist Contemporary Service